Urgent Exam Notification for BCA CBCS & Non CBCS Reg & Back

For Foreign Students held up in their respective Countries and writing BCA (CBCS & NON-CBCS) Regular and Backlog Examinations, August-2021.

All the Foreign Students pursuing Undergraduate Courses in the Constituent and Affiliated Colleges under the jurisdiction of Osmania University, who are required to write their BCA (CBCS & NON-CBCS) Regular and Backlog Examinations, August-2021, are hereby informed that the University is conducting the said examinations in August 2021. It has come to our notice that some students went back to their respective Countries due to COVID-19 pandemic situation/renewal of passport/or any other reason. Such of those foreign students who are in their Countries and who have applied for the BCA (CBCS & NON-CBCS) Regular and Backlog Examinations, August-2021, are requested to furnish the following details by August 5, 2021 (3.00 pm), in the format given below to the director.ufro@gmail.com, so as to take necessary action in the matter of conduct of BCA (CBCS & NON-CBCS) Regular and Backlog Examinations, August-2021 on par with Indian students and foreign students in India:

You will be considered for the examinations only if you fulfil the following conditions:
⦁ Payment of your tuition fee till date.
⦁ Payment of your examination fee for the exams to be conducted. (Please contact the Principal of your college regarding any clarification / query related to payment of Examination fee.)

You are requested to post your queries to the WhatsApp number of Dr. C. Sharada, new Joint Director, UFRO, OU, +91 9963232525 or to the WhatsApp Number of Mrs. T.V.S.Lakshmi, Asst. Registrar, UFRO, OU, +91 8712780185. You are also requested to inform all your friends who are held up in their countries and unable to come to Hyderabad to write their BCA (CBCS & NON-CBCS) Regular and Backlog Examinations, August-2021.



Format to be filled by candidate [Download]
